With nearly 50 international logistics and freight forwarding companies and the cooperation of the Federation of Xiamen Air Transportation Industry and Xiamen International Bank, the UCN International Business Cooperation Fair with the theme "Credit Cooperation, Link the World" was successfully held in Xiamen, China, on October 12, 2024.
Mr Richard Tsai, Chief Representative of UCN China and President of The Chamber of Xiamen Logistics Industry, presented the establishment, development, and value of UCN in detail in "Introduction and Prospect of UCN" and issued an invitation to participate in the UCN2025 Global (China) Annual Conference.
Also, UCN invited the head of Xiamen International Bank to introduce the bank's three major services: basic services, domestic and foreign currency settlement, and financing. They expressed their willingness to work with UCN, the Chamber of Xiamen Logistics Industry, and the Federation of Xiamen Air Transportation Industry to provide the best service for member enterprises. Everyone at the meeting participated and spoke on business needs and the provision of special services.
To end things even brighter, a lucky draw was held during dinner, and prizes were provided courtesy of the Chamber of Xiamen Logistics Industry. The lucky winners came from four companies: Xiamen Widen Logistics Co., Ltd., Xiamen Shengcheng Logistics Co., Ltd., Xiamen DMD Logistics Co., Ltd., and Nippon Express International Logistics (China) Co., Ltd. Xiamen Branch.
To say that the fair was a success would be an understatement. UCN and its partners continue to drive for cooperation and excellence through social collaborations. In return, the collective fosters more diverse, holistic, and effective partnerships.
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