Quality, Trusted & Reliable Consolidated & Freight Forwarders

Uconnect Worldwide Network (UCN) is a community of qualified global consolidators and top forwarders worldwide.

The Future of Logistics


UCN Strong!

The Future of Logistics

The Uconnect Dream.

Our commitment to excellence is unwavering as we curate a network that stands for quality, trust, and reliability.


With every opportunity, every conversation, and every community interaction, we are dedicated to nurturing the boundless potential of human connection in order to develop the network of our Members.

Message from CEO

Message from CEO

UCN is committed to enhancing your experience with our online resources and dedicated team. As of June 2024, we are 220+ members strong, having welcomed over 60 new members since the 2024 Conference, with more joining soon.

Our goal is to connect a global community of professionals, offer competitive freight protection programs, and organize annual network meetings. UCN strives to be your partner in success in the evolving logistics landscape.

Kind Regards, Mr. Andrew Smithurst

Message from CEO
Message from CEO

Message from Deputy CEO

We are proud to introduce a new and improved UCN experience, made possible by the unwavering support and active participation of our members. Your commitment has been crucial in upholding the core values of Trust, Quality, and Reliability that define UCN.

Thanks to your dedication, we’ve achieved remarkable growth and new heights. We look forward to continuing this journey with you. From now on, let us stay Always Connected.

Kind Regards, Mr. Chris Coching

Message from CEO

Meet the UCN Team

Genesis Capitan

Genesis Capitan

Network GM

Jake De leon

Jake De leon

Data & Operations Engineer

Yannah Justiniani

Yannah Justiniani

Communication Strategist

Reyji Alpechin

Reyji Alpechin

Multimedia Designer

David Mills

David Mills

Business development Associate

Nancy Kerremans

Nancy Kerremans

Business development Associate

Jonina Magana

Jonina Magana

Data Engineer

Richard Tsai

Richard Tsai


Sheryl Ma

Sheryl Ma

UCN China Secretary

The Uconnect Coverage

We extend our network to qualified global consolidators. We hold our member applicants to a rigorous screening process because we champion continual progress for our UCN Members, their business, and their country. Through our ongoing research and strategies, we empower each other to transcend our limits.



66 Countries




Are U ready to join yet?

Join us & become a exemplary UCN Member today!